Meeting of the Health and Adult Services Executive


19 November at 13.30

Via MS Teams




Present:        Councillor Michael Harrison and Councillor Andrew Lee


Officers:        Richard Webb (RW)


Minutes:        Dawn Day




For Note/ Action


Declaration of Interest

County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the standards committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.




Corporate Director Decision




To approve the extension of the Adult Weight Management Service contract


The contracted service incorporates a structured assessment process from referral; triaging clients to assess eligibility and readiness to change, and supporting clients to set and review weight loss plans and physical activity agreements with their weight management advisor at an initial health assessment, 12 week and 24 week assessments.


The current service providers are district councils, an NHS foundation trust and a leisure trust. 


The current contract can be extended for a further period prior to re-tendering and the recommendation is to extend the existing contract until Summer 2024.  This will give time to look at the impact of the local government reorganisation and consider future funding. 


Cllr Lee asked about the cost to the County Council.  Richard Webb confirmed the extension of the contract would be at no extra cost to the budget; the annual budget allocation is accounted for within the public health grant. 


Cllr Lee requested additional information regarding the numbers of beneficiaries of the service and spend per person. 


Richard Webb suggested public health colleagues meet with Cllr Lee to brief him on the performance of the contract over the last few years.


Cllr Lee also sought reassurance regarding the individual elements of the contract, including provider sustainability, given the impact the pandemic has had on leisure businesses.


Decision recorded


Richard Webb and Cllr Lee asked for the decision to be deferred until the 10 December 2021 and requested a more detailed report as outlined above. 











Standing Items




Notes of previous meeting held on 27 September 2021

The notes of the previous meeting agreed as an accurate record.